Version 5.7 (February 2024): - Added 2 minutes demo at first start-up - Improved start-up time Lines Panel: - Improved sort to put same text according to lowercase to uppercase Characteristics panel: - Added Blake3 (32 bytes) hashing Characters panel: - Fixed sometimes incorrect font selected at start-up Japplis Toolbox Pro: - Added 2 and 5 minutes demo at first start-up Updated Apache Commons Codec library to from 1.15 to 1.16.0 Various bug fixes and small improvements in the application framework Version 5.6 (November 2023): Characteristics panel: - Result field uses all available width Improved help Various bug fixes and small improvements Updated application framework to latest version (more than 100 changes) Version 5.5 (May 2023): - Possibility to zoom the user interface - The Mac OS X application is signed and notarized Codec Panel: - Fixed decoding multiline morse code Lines Panel: - Format HTML/XML: Do not indent xml after " test5,test33 Pattern panel: - Added To lowercase regexp - Added To uppercase regexp - Sort by regexp to sort numbers correctly if pattern has ([0-9]+) or (\d+) Characters panel: - Font chooser shows the font preview in drop down - Added FontAwesome and Material Icons to the list of fonts - Selecting the character is done using the selected font Japplis Toolbox Pro: - Added possibility to ignore clipboard as input when the content is not multi-lines - Added find tools (F9) - Added shortcut ctrl + shift + up to copy output to input - Dynamic validation of the macro form - New output option: show file chooser - Fixed setting to append or replace a file in output mode - Possibility to run the free version if the license has expired - Fixed sometimes deleting macro didn't delete the macro - Adding a new action offers a drop down to choose from possible actions - Removed scripting possibility for macros as no scripting engine is included Generated applets use the tag, link to Applet Runner and have improved HTML. Various bug fixes and small improvements Updated application framework to latest version (more than 500 changes) Updated Apache Commons Codec library to from 1.12 to 1.15 Version 5.1 (February 2022): Codec panel: - Fixed binary number to convert numbers and not characters - Fixed hexadecimal number and binary number to convert per line Lines Panel: - Lines occurrence keep line order when same count - Format JSON faster and consume less memory (so less out of memory errors) - Format JSON more accurate with backslashes and quotes Regexp Panel: - Added Sort by regexp operation - When Live is selected, operation is executed on every valid change of the pattern Properties Panel: - Fixed SingleTool to show the table on start-up - Show the icon if the Swing property is returning an Icon object (used to be only for ImageIcon) - Show the paint if the Swing property is returning a Paint object (used to be only for Color) - Apply border if Swing property is returning a Border object (expect in Applet mode due to JetBrains IDE's bug) - Show the list of the key strokes and actions if the Swing property is returning an InputMap Settings: - Added option to unpack gz files (Pro version) - Added options to disable/enable line wrap for input and output text areas (Pro version) Reading and writing files is done using the UTF-8 encoding Japplis Toolbox Pro: - Fixed reading files and URLs - Fixed put content of text area in history instead of file or url content - Directly downloadable from the website Various fixes and small improvements Updated application framework: - Faster start-up - Improved logs - Improved license key management - Various improvements in loading and saving settings - Various bug fixes - Various small improvements Version 5.0 (February 2021): Copy result to input now copies the result text to the input field of all the panels with an input field. Fixed Live checkbox disabling the execute button Scroll back to the top of the result after text transformation Most of long text transformation won't freeze the user interface Codec panel: - Added encode and decode query parameters - Added Romanian to Cyrillic and Cyrillic to Romanian character codec - Accept longer numbers for Hexadecimal number - Fixed ROT47 not working - to unicode now only encodes non-ASCII characters Lines Panel: - Fixed typo in 'occurrences' Pattern Panel: - Added Replace regexp using '->'. e.g. ([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)->$1 $2 - Indicate the error if the regular expression is incorrect. - Made the text field for pattern larger. - Put the text a bit more red if the regular expression is invalid while typing Improved HTML formatting: - Format CSS - Fixed incorrect indentation for
- Fixed adding a new line for '<' in javascript - Basic formatting of JavaScript Characteristics panel: - XML validation gives more details when XML is not valid Characteristics panel: - Swing properties now shows color when the value is a color - Swing properties now change the font of the text when value is a font - Improved look of the table with slightly different color each 2 lines Characters panel: - Improved default selected font - Added possibility to show all unicode blocks - Show character main category - Added drop down to choose the characters main category - Added possibility to show all symbols or all letters - Always show 4 digit for hexadecimal value of character - Added possibility to find specific characters - Table render each other line with a slightly different color for better readability Find in files: - Remove the name of the last search file when finished searching New application frameworks: - Main window always on top setting - Transparent main window setting - Skins (More than 20, including many dark themes) - Define proxy to access internet - Feedback form - New about dialog - See changes - Check for updates - Show licenses - Show system infos, including logs - Installers include a recent Java Runtime Pro version: - First version of the Pro version available (contact - Added panel to settings to define input text - Added panel to settings to define output text - Added User defined tab for user defined actions - Added scripts (use 'source' as input variable name) - Live checkbox automatically selected if defined - Possibility to browse history of the input and output text - Option to save in file, copy to clipboard, or use in input field - Added possibility to define some options on the command line when starting the application - In Properties panel possibility to search for properties Many small bugs and small improvements Java 11 or higher is now needed Version 4.0 (September 2019): Added checkbox to perform immediately the actions in Codec, Lines, Pattern panels and Text Characteristics Added support for files in Codec, Lines, Pattern and Text Characteristics tabs (enter full file path on first line, for text UTF-8 encoding is assumed) Added support for URL in Codec, Lines, Pattern and Text Characteristics tabs (enter full URL on first line) Added XML encoding and decoding in Codec tab Added Morse encoding and decoding in Codec tab Reorganized order of codecs in drop down in Codec tab Added count line occurrences in Lines tab Added format HTML/XML tool in Lines tab Added format JSON tool in Lines tab Added CRC32, Adler and MD2 in Text Characteristics tab Added SHA3 hashes (for Java version >= 9) in Text Characteristics tab Added character name in new Name column in Characters tab Added license.txt for Linux distribution Removed codec: "Quoted-Printable", "Soundex", "Refined Soundex", "Metaphone", "Double Metaphone" Removed Run online in help menu Added link to Japplis Toolbox Pro in help menu Help is now going to https urls Fixed also counting numbers in Word count Fixed URL decoding when % is used alone Upgraded commons-codec from 1.4 to 1.12. New application icon New website Java 8 or higher is now needed Version 3.6: Fixed Mac OS X release with universal Java Stub Application. Version 3.5: Signed applet with trusted certificate Fixed error in text characteristics panel in applet mode. Version 3.5: Added Volapuk encoding and decoding. Removed edit menu. Added possibility to copy/paste when using unsigned applet. Added online tools at Added possibility to select tab and operation with start-up parameter. Environment properties is disabled when using unsigned applet. Added unicode blocks for UTF-8 character sets. Upgraded to java 7u11. Version 3.0: Added Find in files tab. Added Line count to Text characteristic tab. Added SHA-384, SHA-512. Added ROT-13, ROT-47. Added Java Unicode encoding and decoding. Added history in input text fields. (use popup menu) Added possibility to bookmark in input text field. (use popup menu) Using commons-codec 1.4. Installer distributed with Java 7u5. Version 2.1: Added Keep lines if it contains a regular expression. Added Remove lines that contains a regular expression. Fixed mixed long to date and date to long. Added support for iso as pattern for date conversion. The default applet is the one with the certificate (as copy/paste doesn't work in the other one). Version 2.0: Fixed online applet asking for permission when not needed. Use the Java deploy script to generate the applet. Fixed: empty lines were remove in the Lines panel. Fixed: Split regex with extra carriage return. Added Sort lines by length. Added Join lines. Added Keep regular expression. Added Remove regular expression. Added support for group where only indicated regular expression groups are kept or removed. Added Prefix lines with text. Added Add text at the end of lines (Suffix). Added Remove empty lines. Added Delete every 2 lines (Delete 1 out of 2). Added SHA-256. End position of contains regular expression printed. All positions of contains regular expression printed in the lines are now printed. Rearranged tab positions. Upgraded the application framework to the latest version. Small fixes and improvements. Version 1.2.1: Fixed applet throwing a security exception. Fixed incorrect version number in installer. Sorting lines is case insensitive and use Collator.getInstance(). Fixed some system properties are shown in the standard applet. Upgraded the application framework to the lastest version. Version 1.2: Added Lines panel with Sort lines, Reverse lines, Shuffle lines, Number lines, Unique lines, Trim lines. Copyright moved to Japplis Applet now shows standard Java properties when not given by getProperties(). Also try decoding without carriage return when the first decoding failed. Added split regexp, to split a text with the defined regexp as separator. Added computation of the hash code to characteristics. Fixed word count was incorrect if '/' was in the text. Save the selected tab for the next start-up. Several bug fixes and small improvements. Download also available as Windows Portable application. Upgraded to Apache Commons Codec 1.4. NetBeans Plug-in repacked with NetBeans 6.7.1 and all new features. Upgraded to Java 6u16 kernel. Version 1.1: Applet signed correctly for pack200. Fixed buttons with no icons were slow to show for the first time. The application remembers the size of the frame. Improved error report when an error occurs at start-up. If an error occurs at start-up, the preference file is renamed or deleted. Added run online to the help menu. Open a web site works on Mac OS X. Added icon for Mac OS X. Improved information of the application for Mac OS X. Use of the latest installed version in Mac OS X. Distribution is done with an internet enabled DMG file for Mac OS X. Exit the application when closing the main window on Mac OS X. Menu appears on top for Mac OS X. Removed duplicate JAR file in Mac OS X release. Upgraded to Java 6u6. Version 1.0: NetBeans plug-in developed Version 0.9: Improve About dialog. Improve copy/paste in applet. Fixed long to time computation. The secure applet is using the correct commons-codec. Based on a new application framework. Version 0.8: Everything is done